主演:杰瑞米·戴维斯 米拉·乔沃维奇 梅尔·吉布森 吉米·斯密茨 彼得·斯特
简介:百万美元酒店是一座汇聚了三教九流的酒店,这里有着各色各样的人物。一天,一名青年从酒店楼上跳楼自杀了,FBI探员史金纳(梅尔•吉布森 Mel Gibson 饰)奉命来到酒店调查。面对各色各样并不好惹的人,史金纳利用手段拉拢了酒店的智障住户汤姆(杰瑞米•戴维斯 Jeremy Davies 饰)和另一个住户妓女艾易丝(米拉•乔沃维奇 Milla Jovovich 饰)帮助调查。 原本平平无奇的案情,却因死者是传媒大亨的儿子而变得扑朔迷离。原本对此漠不关心的住客们,为了能从死者父亲那里获得一点好处,而各执一词,对案件做出各种各样的假设,其实多数是不着边际的谎话。而汤姆由于不是心甘情愿地帮助史金纳,出于道义他隐瞒了案子的内情。面对这种情形,史金纳也措手不及。为了理清案情,他只能使出“非常手段”。
主演:埃利奥特·古尔德 妮娜·范·帕朗特 斯特林·海登 亨利·吉布森 大卫·
简介:前身为警察的菲利浦马洛(埃利奥特·古尔德 Elliott Gould 饰)现在干起了私家侦探的活计,尽管他做事极为低调极力避免被卷入麻烦的漩涡,但麻烦事仿佛长了眼睛,紧咬着他不放。这次亦然,当老友深夜找到马洛让他将自己送出境外时,看着他躲闪的目光,经验老道的马洛心中就有了不详的预感。果不其然,不久之后,警察就以协助老友杀害妻子的名义将马洛捉拿归案。 在得知了朋友命丧黄泉的消息之后,对朋友的清白深信不疑的马洛发誓要找到事件的真相。与此同时,一个美艳的妇人找到马洛,委托他寻找自己酗酒而又粗暴的丈夫。两件看似无关的案件,却再暗地里相互关联,不知不觉中深陷阴谋中心的马洛这次还能和往常一样化险为夷吗?
主演:Akira Emoto
简介:This 1992 Japanese film tells the story of a scientist who sets out to create the new super Adam and Eve, humans who cannot be controlled by their emotions. Of course, the end result it not exactly what the good doctor expects. comments from imdb This modern tale of an attempt to build a creature is one of the best horror films ever made, even if its not a horror film but something else entirely. Certainly its on my short list of all time great films. This film was introduced to me by someone who told me I have this film that probably one of the best films you'll ever see. It will move you and touch you and make you think, but if I told you what it is and told you how its done you will think its the stupidest thing on the face of it and you won't watch it. Intrigued I asked what did he mean, and he said, Well its a Frankenstein story, with a very goofy sort of edge, but which uses it to its advantage. My ears perked up, and I being a trusting soul took the tape and watched it. I was blown away. The plot concerns a mad scientist attempting to make a new Adam and Eve in the wake of a suicidal plague that is ravaging the world. Locked up in his lab his experiments go differently then either he or we expect. Some of it is silly (The bolts in the neck, the wrestling moves...), all of it is touching and thought provoking. I can not recommend this movie enough. If you are willing to take the film on its terms and allow it to tell its story then I urge you to seek this film out and see it. This is an undiscovered gem that will stay with you forever. 15 out of 10 and then some. 1010 Also known as The Last Frankenstein, this is an extraordinary, impeccably produced horror film. Director Takeshi Kawamura uses Mary Shelley's novel as a mere launching pad for an exploration of subjects as diverse and fascinating as the nature of love, desire, suicide, mass hypnosis, sex, alienation and jealousy. And though the film is dense with subtext, it is also stunningly photographed and rich in atmosphere and detail. The performances are all amazing and Kawamura's sensitive handling of the strange, delicate relationships between the characters results in an emotionally charged, angst-ridden tragedy. The scenes of the confused, troubled monster hurtling through a fog-shrouded forest at night are memorable and striking, as is a brilliant home movie-style montage of the film's more curious characters enjoying a precious afternoon at the beach. Kawamura creates resonating visual poetry of horror and sadness barely sighted since Todd Browning's classic Freaks. Intelligent, emotional, tragic and real, this is an absolute gem. 910
主演:Jackie Cooper Alex Cord Richard Jae
导演:Sutton Roley
简介:A group of diverse individuals are suddenly taken from their homes and flown via helicopter to a futuristic bomb shelter in the desert, one-third of a mile below the surface of the Earth. There, they learn that a nuclear holocaust is taking place and that they've been chosen by computer to survive in the shelter in order to continue the human race. The shelter is designed to allow the people to exist underground comfortably for years, but they are faced with a threat nobody could have predicted a colony of thousands of bloodthirsty vampire bats finds a way into the shelter and launches a series of vicious attacks where they claim the humans one by one.
主演:帕迪·康斯戴恩 沃伦·克拉克 詹姆斯·福克斯 大卫·卡尔德 尼古拉斯·
简介: 1980年的英国约克郡,恐怖的愁云盘桓天空。在过去的4年里,一个冷血无情的连环杀手成为约克郡所有居民的噩梦,迄今为止有12名女性遭到杀害。警方出动超过5000名警力,排查人数达9000人,但是这个杀手仍然逍遥法外,第13名受害者仍不可挽回地出现,一时间人心惶惶,流言四起。来自曼彻斯特的皮特·亨特(帕迪·康斯戴恩 Paddy Considine 饰)作为顾问介入此案的调查,他和他的团队对历年案宗进行仔细梳理,殊不知前方的道路愈加黑暗…… 本片改编自David Peace的四部悬疑小说(分别以年度为书名:1974、1977、1980、1983,合称Red Riding Quartet),由英国第4频道主持拍摄为三部影片,被称作“血色侦程三部曲”。
主演:大卫·莫瑞瑟 马克·阿蒂 莉萨·霍华德 克里斯·沃克 邵恩·杜里 吉姆
简介: 1983年,盘桓在英国北约克郡上空的阴霾久久不曾散去。这一天,一名有着天使般面庞的小女孩失踪,这起事件让人们淡忘将近十年的噩梦再次苏醒。1974年,名叫克莱尔•坎普雷的小女孩失踪,最终遭到杀害。不久,有着病态般苍白面颊的麦克认罪伏法。一切似乎就此完结,而如今这起类似的案件发生,让人们意识到那起沉疴多年旧案的异常。一方面,律师约翰·皮格特(马克·艾迪 Mark Addy 饰)出任麦克的律师,准备提起上诉;另一方面,警员莫里斯(David Morrissey 饰)也对旧案重新进行梳理。他们面前,是永夜一般深邃恐怖的黑暗…… 本片改编自David Peace的四部悬疑小说(分别以年度为书名:1974、1977、1980、1983,合称Red Riding Quartet),由英国第4频道主持拍摄为三部影片,被称作“血色侦程三部曲”。