主演:Esteban Prol Horacio Fontova Sergio
导演:Daniel de la Vega Pablo Parés
简介:Following the success of their feature debut Jennifer’s Shadow (2004) – an exercise in American Gothic set in a scary land called Argentina – Pablo Parés and Daniel de la Vega worked for a US company on a post-mega-disaster wasteland zombie film in which South America had been turned into an all-purpose, all-materials junkyard, with the undead as the last humane entities around (forget about the humans here!). The project never materialised, but Diego Parés, Pablo’s brother, started to write and draw a comic series based on the screenplay – which so far remains a ruin, as only parts were finished and published. The ECish beauty and balls of Diego P.’s labour of love have now been congenially transformed by the directorial duo into a delightfully old-(1970s)school low-budget production, closer to Romero and Dante than Fulci and Lenzi. And the IFFR audience is in for the treat of treats they get to see the film and can also enjoy the unfinished comic in an exhibition.
主演:Sara Drust Jeremy Sless Evan Judson
导演:Daniela Carvalho Ale McHaddo
简介:Cindy (Sara Drust) returns to her family home after the death of her father to settle some disputes. Seeking comfort, she is joined by her boyfriend and friends, however, she soon discovers that the house hides a terrible secret, one that will put them all in danger…
主演:池部良 加贺麻理子 藤木孝 杉浦直树 三上真一郎 佐佐木功 Kôji
简介:《干花》这部风格强烈的「艺术黑帮片」制作于任侠电影黄金时代的开端,以强烈反差的黑白摄影及武满彻诡异的配乐,带领观众梦游石原慎太郎原著的「仁义」地下世界。 作为松竹新浪潮的一员,篠田正浩则是自觉地离开片厂,走上独立制作的道路。篠田的《乾花》有趣的地方,可能是见到本是文艺小生的池部良,如何开始转型成为一位「任侠」。虽然在这部电影中,他还是一个典型的石原慎太郎太阳族小说的迷惘主人翁,但走上罪犯的道路后,他很快就成为「昭和残侠」的一员。日本的黑帮片,可能是把罪犯神话化的极致了。 《干花》,这部筱田正浩的新浪潮时期的作品,改编自石原慎太郎的原著。这部小说和另外一部石原慎太郎作品《太阳的季节》的出现,给新浪潮中重要一类电影立下了“太阳族电影”的名字。这部冷酷迷人的电影所展现出来的虚无主义情绪似乎比大岛洼的成名作《残酷青春物语》还要强烈得多,技术也更高超得多。 除了以自身阴郁的黑白摄影对原著进行的视觉呈现所散发出的独特气息,它仍残留着石原慎太郎太阳族电影——文学作品的印记。不过在此番中,通常发生在小说男主人公身上的反叛与虚无情绪被转移到了另一位神秘、迷人、疯狂、麻木、空洞、绝望的年轻女孩身上,而男主角却几乎成了黑色电影的经典形象——一个没有希望和生存目的的孤独杀手,迫不得已不得不继续在这条充满陷阱的路上走下去。男女主人公,刚欲建立起来的感情联系在这个危险和绝望的世界中迅速被自身的惰性和冷酷的外部世界撕裂了,还来不及清醒地确认自身的存在与悲剧感。 筱田正浩所采取的绝不是一种类型片的拍法,他的这部审视战后日本社会心理形态的作品,有着强大而深沉的批评力量。它是内敛的、阴郁的、冷酷的、无声尖叫的、像夜本身一样富于沉重的压迫感的。筱田正浩对人在一种极端主义的处境中性与爱的歧化的、隐性的表现,有一种独特的眼光和品位,他的作品既有政治和社会眼光的深度,并且似乎总是无法剥离的,又有人性基本层面上的批判视野的力度,他不像典型的桃色片电影导演那样官能化地聚焦于身体摹写的原欲自身,也绝不是一位禁欲风格的社会学或人类学纪录者,他擅长改编文学作品的才能使它成为一位将社会立意的内在主题寄寓在美不胜收的视觉语言和具有诱惑力的文学叙事上的美学拓建设者;他的作品的形式与思想结合的完美总是让人久久陷于震憾。
主演:夏洛特·柯克 乔纳森·霍华德 吉米·巴姆博 Kibong Tanji
简介:On her final combat mission across the rugged mountains of Afghanistan, Royal Air Force fighter pilot Lt. Kate Sinclair’s jet is shot down over one of the most dangerous rebel strongholds. When insurgents come after her at the crash site, she finds refuge in a long since abandoned underground bunker. After tracking Sinclair into the depths of the bunker, the insurgents accidentally awaken a man-made deadly biological weapon known as the Ravagers - half human, half alien and hungry for human flesh. Terrified, she watches the creatures rip apart the men pursuing her. Sinclair barely escapes and is picked up by a US army patrol sent to find her. Major Roy Finch, commander of the local US army outpost ‘Fort Apache’, and his ragtag squad of brave soldiers have a difficult time believing mutant monsters have been kept hidden in these mountains. Unaware that she has been tracked to their base, dozens of the vicious creatures are already swarming towards them.